#MESA nuclear rate template # #Columns are T8 (temperature in 10^8 Kelvin, not GK!) and Rate, first number is the number of entries. 37 0.1000 7.8700E-25 0.1100 8.5200E-24 0.1200 7.1300E-23 0.1300 4.8100E-22 0.1400 2.7300E-21 0.1500 1.3500E-20 0.1600 6.1600E-20 0.1800 1.3300E-18 0.2000 3.6700E-17 0.2500 3.6600E-14 0.3000 3.9900E-12 0.4000 1.3200E-09 0.5000 3.9900E-08 0.6000 3.6800E-07 0.7000 1.7400E-06 0.8000 5.4800E-06 0.9000 1.3500E-05 1.0000 3.0900E-05 1.1000 7.6500E-05 1.2000 2.1100E-04 1.3000 5.9100E-04 1.4000 1.5400E-03 1.5000 3.6600E-03 1.6000 7.8600E-03 1.8000 2.8200E-02 2.0000 7.7700E-02 2.5000 4.7000E-01 3.0000 1.7200E+00 3.5000 6.4200E+00 4.0000 2.6000E+01 4.5000 9.2800E+01 5.0000 2.7200E+02 6.0000 1.4200E+03 7.0000 4.6400E+03 8.0000 1.1400E+04 9.0000 2.3000E+04 10.0000 4.0800E+04