#MESA nuclear rate template # #Columns are T8 (temperature in 10^8 Kelvin, not GK!) and Rate, first number is the number of entries. 20 0.1000 1.2210E-22 0.1500 6.8860E-19 0.2000 1.5790E-16 0.3000 1.4110E-13 0.4000 1.0120E-11 0.5000 2.1010E-10 0.6000 2.1200E-09 0.7000 1.3430E-08 0.8000 6.1660E-08 0.9000 2.2440E-07 1.0000 6.8960E-07 1.5000 1.1230E-04 2.0000 7.7610E-03 3.0000 5.9980E-01 4.0000 4.7670E+00 5.0000 1.5650E+01 6.0000 3.3850E+01 7.0000 5.8680E+01 8.0000 8.9630E+01 9.0000 1.2670E+02