6Li(p,g)7Be Piatti et al. 2020 Re-evaluated thermonuclear rate based on cross section measurements performed at the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics, covering the center-of-mass energy range E=60-350 keV. Link to the paper. Nuclear reaction rate in the MESA format:
26P(p,g)27S Hou et al. 2023 A theoretical reevaluation based on new information, using the new mass of the involved nuclei in a combination of shell model predictions of the energy structure of 27S. Link to the paper.
42Ti(p,g)43V Hou et al. 2023 Re-evaluated and improved thermonuclear rate based on more complete resonance information and a more accurate direct component, together with recently released nuclear masses data. Link to the paper
18O(a,g)22Ne Wang et al. 2023 Direct measurement performed at the Jinping Underground Nuclear Astrophysics experimental facility (JUNA). The critical 470 keV resonance energy is precisely determined for the first time by direct measurement. Furthermore, the authors derived primary γ-ray branching ratios and then determine the spin-parity of the 470 keV resonance state, which resolves the… Continue reading 18O(a,g)22Ne
144Sm(a,g)148Gd Gyurky et al. 2023 Reaction rate derived with reduced uncertainties from a new experimentally constrained α-nucleus optical model potential. The achieved accuracy should now permit stronger constraints for astrophysical conclusions for the γ-process. Link to the paper.
Nuclear reaction rates for MESA
MESA is one of the most popular and performant 1D stellar evolution codes in the scientific community. In the most recent MESA code revisions, the NACRE nuclear database is the default source for nuclear reaction rates at all times (unless the user overwrites the rates with input tables), while the JINA-Reaclib database is adopted only… Continue reading Nuclear reaction rates for MESA
26Alg(n,a)23Na Battino et al. 2023 This 26Al(n,a)23Na nuclear reaction rate has been obtained by combining experimental results and theoretical predictions of the respective ground state reaction cross-sections. Its evaluation is primarily based on the recent high-precision measurement at the nTOF-CERN facility and is supplemented by theoretical calculations and a previous experiment (Trautvetter et al. 1986)… Continue reading 26Alg(n,a)23Na
26Alg(n,p)26Mg Battino et al. 2023 This 26Al(n,p)26Mg nuclear reaction rate has been obtained by combining experimental results and theoretical predictions of the respective ground state reaction cross-sections. Its evaluation is primarily based on the recent high-precision measurement at the nTOF-CERN facility and is supplemented by theoretical calculations and a previous experiment (Trautvetter et al. 1986)… Continue reading 26Alg(n,p)26Mg
27Al(p,a)24Mg La Cognata et al. 2022 A new rate of the 27Al(p,a)24Mg reaction. Strengths of the levels in the reaction were first determined via the indirect trojan horse method, and then used to calculate the reaction rate with RatesMC. Link to the paper
19F(p,g)20Ne Zhang et al. 2022 Direct experimental measurement of the 19F(p, γ)20Ne breakout reaction, performed in the China JinPing Underground Laboratory, which offers an environment with an extremely low cosmic-ray-induced background. Link to the paper