Nuclear reaction rates for MESA

MESA is one of the most popular and performant 1D stellar evolution codes in the scientific community. In the most recent MESA code revisions, the NACRE nuclear database is the default source for nuclear reaction rates at all times (unless the user overwrites the rates with input tables), while the JINA-Reaclib database is adopted only if a rate is not in NACRE. This represents a significant change compared to older revisions, where setting the JINA-Reaclib database as default was an option.

Thus, in order to use a different reaction rate instead of NACRE in MESA, the user needs to insert a table in the dedicated MESA data directory. In particular, there are more than 50 rates that are significantly different between NACRE and JINA-Reaclib (see list below). So tabulated rates for these nuclear reactions are definitely of interest to the MESA community. If this applies to you, please consider uploading your rate in the MESA tables format (using the template at the bottom of this page) in addition to the standard ChANUREPS format (one of the main differences is the temperature in 108 Kelvin, not GK).

Download “MESA_template” MESArate_template-1.txt – Downloaded 564 times – 226.00 B

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